Line Officers from left to right:
2nd Lt. Aikman Lee, 1st Lt. Maddie Krause,
Captain Emma Elkjer, 2nd Lt. Sofia Garcia
From Left to Right:
Social Co. Leah Yanez, Social President Beth Maryott,
Social VP Brianna Fuentes, Social Co. Alexis Frank
Seniors (L to R):
Emma Elkjer, Brianna Fuentes, Grace Wahl, Lanie Kim, Kayleigh Quinn, Beth Maryott, Tiffany Brinkman,
Taylor Long, Maddie Krause
Juniors (L to R):
Front Row: Bela Orallo, Sofia Garcia, Alexis Frank
Back Row: Gabby Proa, Leah Yanez, Claire Goodwill, Aikman Lee
Sophomores (L to R):
Lexie Secrest, Allison Cummings, Amanda Hollowell,
Emily Liljegren, McKenna Hartnett, Kailey Searles,
Ava Hodges, Abigail Solomon
From L to R: Gianna Ramirez, Dua Bharde, Sara Guevara, Kamryn Tatum, Cora Caudle, Riya Sengupta,
Nyla Contreras, Isabela Gelamo, Maya Armenious
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